About MDRS
We provide resources to help Mississippians with disabilities find new careers, live more independently, overcome obstacles, and face new challenges.
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Public Information
Public Information
Client Assistance Program, or often referred to as CAP, is a state managed and federally funded program designed to advise and inform clients and client applicants in the state of Mississippi. CAP assists in providing information obtaining to available services and benefits under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as well as the services and benefits available to individuals under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
The redesignation moves the Client Assistance Program from the Mississippi Society for Disabilities to the Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities.
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Are you a school in Mississippi Interested in scheduling a PROM program? To see about scheduling a PROM program in your school, please contact the Office of Communication at PROM@mdrs.ms.gov, call 1-800-443-1000 or see below.
What is PROM?
PROM is a public awareness campaign created by the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services in 2018 in partnership with the Mississippi Highway Patrol. The campaign encourages prom-bound students to understand the “full-circle” of consequences when choosing to drink and drive, text and drive and/or not buckle up.
PROM stands for Please Return on Monday. The full PROM message is: Please Return on Monday -in the same condition you left. YOUR choices today impact YOUR tomorrow.
Are you a school in Mississippi Interested in scheduling a PROM program?
To see about scheduling a PROM program in your school, please contact the Office of Communication at PROM@mdrs.ms.gov or call 1-800-443-1000. Click here for the required PROM school form.
Learn more about our PROM clients click here
Interested in starting a PROM program in your state?
Click here for more information.
Interested in using the PROM logo?
Please feel free to use the PROM logo in accordance with the set guidelines outlined here.
PROM Resources
• PROM: Mississippi School Resource Video (long video)
• PROM: Please Return on Monday (short intro)
• PROM: How do you want to wear it (video)
• MHP Website and Resources
• MDRS Website and Resources