Success Stories

Perseverance is the essence of Pauline Orr---an award-winning web designer greatly respected by her colleagues as one who excels in the profession. This talented MDRS client is changing the way employers view Mississippians with disabilities as she takes web design to a whole new level.

Antonio Wright is the embodiment of the saying "You can't keep a good man down".  With a smile that lights up every room, Antonio lives life at a level most of us only dream about and he does it confined to a wheelchair. His infectious attitude has inspired hundreds of wheelchair-bound clients to get back in the game of life through sports. 

Serving as a Personal Care Attendant is a calling that requires great heart, skill and complete selflessness.  Those words describe Kerry Nelson who serves as a PCA for one of MDRS’ most dynamic clients, Richard Stafford. These two have become as close as brothers, facing life’s highs and lows together. Now, they are on the hunt to help others in similar situations.

Life turned on a dime for Dylan Stubbs when he was diagnosed with a degenerative condition in the prime of his life. He wasn’t sure how he would even be able to drive himself to work. Fortunately, MDRS --working with the T.K. Martin Center in Starkville-- provided the hi-tech assistive technology and training needed to help Dylan drive.

Thanks to his own grit and determination, and with a little help from MDRS, Bryce Alexander not only received the equipment he needed to land his dream job –he also received the gift of being able to stand tall again.