career exploration & employability skills A resource guide for schools To improve the quality of life, employment opportunities, and integration of students with disabilities into the community. Office of vocational rehabilitation Career exploration & employability skills The Vocational Rehabilitation Transition Counselor and the classroom teacher work together to implement a curriculum that students with disabilities may participate in through services provided at community rehabilitation programs throughout the state. The proposed schedule can be adapted to meet the needs of the student and the teacher and can be based on each school’s calendar year. vocational assessment services: A systematic series of assessment processes are carried out: • to determine the abilities, strengths, interests, and goals of the person • to verify potential for competitive integrated employment • to enable the person to identify their career interest and to determine a career goal • to enable the person to develop an employment preparation course of action in partnership with their Evaluator Informal Assessments Interest Assessments Learning Style Assessments Aptitude Assessments Transferable Skills Analysis Situational Assessment Work Observations Vocational Exploration Work adjustment services: A transitional, time-limited, systematic training program designed to address the individual needs of the person served: • to assist in the understanding of the meaning, value, and demands of work • to learn or re-establish skills, attitudes and work behaviors • to develop positive peer and supervisor relations • to develop physical and/or mental tolerance to a work environment Work Habits Work Adjustment Classes Self Advocacy Assistive Technology Community Based Services Skills to Pay the Bills Job Seeking Skills For more information on career exploration and employment services contact our VR Program Coordinator for Transition Services at 601-853-5390 The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services is a state agency dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities find employment. MDRS, through its Office of Vocational Rehabilitation - Transition Services Program, works with eligible secondary school students with disabilities to enable them in transitioning from school to subsequent work environments. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) works cooperatively with the Mississippi Department of Education and local school districts in planning and implementing a variety of programs designed to provide training and assistance for students with disabilities who intend to transition to the workplace. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act defines a student with a disability as: • An individual who is 14 to 21 years of age who is enrolled in a secondary, post-secondary or other recognized educational program and is eligible for and receiving transition services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or is an individual with a disability for purposes of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Counselors may refer students for a vocational assessment. The student may attend a Community Rehabilitation Program up to five hours per day (not to exceed 90 hours per job experienced in assessment). After the vocational assessment is completed, recommendations can help determine appropriate VR services needed to achieve an employment outcome. The student may then be moved to Work Adjustment Services (vocational training), not to exceed 120 hours per job experienced, to address the barriers to employment identified during assessment. Work Adjustment training may be individually planned and provided for each student as needed and appropriate at the CRP. Chris Howard, Executive Director Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services 1281 Highway 51 North Madison, MS 39110 1-800-443-1000 • The Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 3/2018